
Odisea 10: Greenpilling the world with Kevin Owocki

Episode Summary

If you’re a Regen, and find yourself spending much time thinking about and building solutions to enhance the state of social coordination powered by crypto, Kevin Owocki is someone you are likely already familiarized with. Kevin is the Founder of Supermodular, who have created or-public projects including Gitcoin, Kernel, Buidlbox, and the Green Pill Podcast. in this conversation we dive into Kevin’s crypto journey, his relentless passion for building pro-social crypto-levered software and where the future of public goods ecosystems is heading. If you’d like to join us along this journey, you can: Join the Odisea Community on Telegram 💬: https://marcus.am/tg Subscribe and Mint the Odisea launch NFT on Mirror 💎: https://marcus.mirror.xyz/n6OpgyB1tz_... If you want to connect directly, reach out on Twitter: https://twitter.com/marcusdotam Odisea is produced with the support of Safe and Ambire Wallet. Safe (https://safe.global) (previously Gnosis Safe) is a decentralized custody protocol, securing ~$60 Billion in assets today. It is establishing a universal standard for secure custody of digital assets, data, and identity. Ambire Wallet (https://ambire.com) is an account abstraction-based, self-custodial gateway to Web3 that introduces a range of impressive features like transaction batching, a pre-payment mechanism, and the ability to pay gas fees in stablecoins. By being accessible on both mobile and desktop devices, with a browser extension version on the horizon, Ambire Wallet aims at streamlining the user experience and ensure convenience across different platforms.